$50 Per Bottle sent To Ukraine

I'm selling "Slava Ukraine," a linden blossom perfume, because I want to support Ukraine's war effort. The Ukrainians are the only ones stopping Russia from invading the rest of Europe, and victory is the only option.
With every bottle I sell, I will send $50 Canadian dollars to The Ukraine National Bank: 
I'm selling "Slava Ukraine" because Russia is no longer a democracy, and Putin wants to re-establish the USSR, a government that murdered 70 million peoplI'm selling "Slava Ukraine" because the world can not allow Putin's dream to come true, and the Ukrainians are spoiling his vision. 
I'm selling "Slava Ukraine" because my Slovak grandma raised me. As a child, she slept on dirt floors, never had enough to eat, and her brother froze to death. I know Eastern European and Russian history well, and I'm selling "Slava Ukraine" because grandma's family fled Europe to escape poverty, Joseph Stalin and the USSR
I'm selling "Slava Ukraine" because Moscow has a long, consistent history of invading its smaller neighbours. Russia invaded; Finland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Iran, Hungary, Romania, Noway, Albania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Mongolia, Kazahkstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and so many other countries.
I'm selling "Slava Ukraine" because the Ukrainians are the only ones stopping Russia from invading Europe.

Victory is the only option